Friday 24 August 2012

Godly examples and your relationship with God

Funny how most people when asked will have someone in there life who the look up too, whether that be a parent or sibling, a pastor or singer. More often than not if you sat down for long enough you could pluck up someone who you look up too, We all seem to look up to people in different ways for example if we are a aspiring singer we may look up to a certain singer based on there voice and not other aspects of there life. I was thinking about this topic. People who we look up too examples and influences. In this post I'm going to look at what the bible has to say about the topic, some of the benefits and dangers and share with you about a few of the people I look up too and why.

Imitate your Godly example as they imitate Christ

Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. (1 Corinthians 11:1 ESV)

I'm going to start by saying this, I strongly believe the people that we look too should only ever be imitated as they imitate the Lord Jesus. Jesus should be our ultimate example and we should never give a person that place that is God's in our life. Never allow a mentor, pastor, friend, sibling or anyone who you look up too, take the throne of your life. The place of God, don't even allow them to edge close. Follow the example of Christ that they show and if there is no example of Christ, don't follow them.

Good character is spoiled by bad company

Do not be deceived: "Bad company ruins good morals." (1 Corinthians 15:33 ESV)

Have you ever seen it where a friend decided they want to date someone who doesn't believe in God, they tell you, "Markus, there so close, I'm there only Christian influence, it will work out." most will give them the look that says you don't have a clue. Me be me will tell them how I've not heard such nonsense in my whole life and they need to get a grip. But hey that's just me and not really my point. Eventually more often than not it will come to a place a few months down the line where you call that friend and I have experienced this very thing, they don't go to church anymore, there bible is stocking up dust in the corner, they haven't uttered a word to God and they are as much in the world as every other unsaved person. They give you there excuses "well I just stopped going, I thought about it but this and that came up." what happened? 1 Corinthians 15:33 happened, they had good morals or good intentions and it was ruined by bad company. Do not be deceived. If you look up too someone, make sure they are good, godly company or else eventually the influence will have a negative effect. I also remember Eric Craven saying that if you surround yourself with Godly company imagine the positive effect it will have on your life and yes Brother Eric I 100% agree.

Wise people develop in you wisdom, fools make you foolish

Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise,
but the companion of fools will suffer harm. (Proverbs 13:20 ESV)

I'm not going to lie, this scripture has been proven time after time in my life, in my teenage years I hung out with some very questionable people who frankly could be described as foolish and I'd be closer to complimenting them than anything else. I wasn't the smartest boy on the block as I would proclaim these people as my friends , as time went on and we hung out I saw myself become more and more foolish and doing more and more stupid things. What does proverbs 13:20 say, the companions of fools will suffer harm. I certainly will be the first to say I have suffered harm because of the people I chose to hang out with. On the other side of the coin I can also testify to seeing the first part of this scripture bare fruit in my life. I'm not going to mention much on it at this stage as I will go into more detail when I talk about the people I look up too, but many people think that I am older than my age and have commented on my levels of maturity and I can certainly pinpoint this to proverbs 13:20 wise people develop you in wisdom, when you pick the people who are going to be examples in your life, make sure they are people full of wisdom and full of God this way they will only help make you wiser and not bring upon you harm.

2 benefits of Godly examples ( they are more than two but these are the two I chose to focus on)

1) people who have experience can save you from making the same mistake they made

In life we make mistakes, all of us, not one of us has lived a perfect life and that's why we need a saviour, none of us can save ourselves. Having mentors and Godly examples can help us avoid making mistakes in our life that others have made, we don't always have to learn from experience we can equally learn from others experiences and avoid falling into the same traps. Paul's writings to Timothy set him an example on how things should be done so Timothy didn't have to trial and error everything until he got it right.

2) iron sharpens iron.

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17 ESV)

The bible tells us here that iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Having a mentor or godly examples is a great way to be sharpened. Someone who you can sit down with, speak on the phone or listen to them preach and you are sharpened in the things of God. You learn and grow together. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ, and we need one other. I'm so thankful for my brothers and sisters in Christ they sharpen me, convict me and encourage me and for that I am truly grateful.

2 dangers of mentors and godly examples (again they are more but these are the 2 I want to focus on)

1) they can become an idol or have a unhealthy place in your life

Anything I put before my God is an idol, anything I want with all my heart is an idol, anything I can't stop thinking of is an idol, And anything I give all my love is an idol. These are the for me famous words from Jimmy Needham's song clear the stage. They ring very true and are very important words in the process of examples you have in your life. Mentors and examples are great but be wary, check yourself daily that these people are not becoming idols in your life or having a unhealthy influence on you. And remember ANYTHING you put before your God is an idol, ANYTHING you want with all your heart is an idol, ANYTHING you can't stop thinking of is an idol, and ANYTHING you give all your love is an idol.

2) there words become gospel

This for me is one of the greatest dangers of having a mentors or godly example. It comes to a place where you quote them like you quote the bible, you receive there words like the word of God, you fear them and respect them more than you do God ( that is a whole different topic that I will address in a different blog post about fearing God and not just reverencing him.) This is a very dangerous place to get too because you become a clone or a robot who doesn't have a brain of your own or a belief system for yourself but your views are your leaders, pastors, mentors, friends, family or whoever it may be views. How do you avoid this. Simple! Be a doer of the word and not just a listener James 1:22 and be an Acts 17:11 believer. A Berean Christian. Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. (Acts 17:11 NIV) don't just be a clone. Check the word to see if what your godly example is saying is true and if you don't think it is. Don't be afraid to point that out or question that.

Ok I told you I would tell you about some of the people I look up too and why so here goes.

1) my big sister

Now this person is not my "blood." big sister but I see her as a big sister in every way in my life. I'm going to leave her nameless and not say very much that gives away her identity because I know that when she see this I will be getting the how could you lecture.

Why do I look up to her?
I look up to her because she has been a great example in my life, she has been like a rock in times where I have shaken, she has gave me great godly wisdom and advice time after time. Her final authority is the word of God and she loves God and wants to grow more intimate with him daily. I remember specific lesson she has taught me, on the Holy Spirit, on how to hear God's voice and receive clear guidance from him and many more lessons that are practical and valuable as there are foundational biblical principles that I go back to time and time again. The thing that I value most about my big sister is that in everything she says or does it reflect the glory right back to God. It's all about him to find people like that is not easy.

When you are looking for Godly example what has she taught me.

1) your mentor/godly example should reflect all the glory to God
2) your mentor/godly examples final authority should be the word of God.

Thanks sis. I appreciate you.

2) Cornelius and Heather Lindsey.

If you haven't heard of Cornelius and Heather Lindsey, then you have done a poor poor and I mean poor job of following me on twitter or Facebook or haven't been listening as we speak or you just don't know me. Thats fine... I forgive you... That was a joke. But seriously if you don't know Cornelius and Heather Lindsey please find them on Facebook or twitter and check out the gathering oasis, the oath movement for men and the pinky promise movement for women. I have the honour of knowing them personally, I haven't know them for a great length of time but they have been a HUGE HUGE HUGE blessing and example to me as young man who just wants to love God more, be pure and holy and grow in intimacy with him. Cornelius is someone who is just straight up, proclaims the truth without compromise. He is someone who has a personal relationship with God and loves to study his word and he is my big brother. The way I came across Cornelius and Heather is a story in itself but let's just say God really wanted us to connect. I remember the first day I spoke to Cornelius, it was like we has known each other for years. Heather is a awesome awesome person, her influence is wide spread and the pinky promise movement is exploding! God is doing a great work through her, she also loves God and clearly has a deep and intimate relationship with him. She teaches with such depth and understanding. She is very stylish and classy and a great example to me of how a godly women looks and carries herself. Guys I love you and appreciate you so much. Keep bringing glory to God in all you do. I look forward to a great future with you involved.

Why I look up to them and what I have learned.

I look up to Cornelius and Heather because they are genuine people, who love God and want to bring him glory, they are people who are doing what God is calling me to do and they set a great example in how to do it. I could write a whole blog on what I've learned. I have learned much from there teachings (I have listened to over 100 messages.) especially in the areas of marriage and relationships. They have not only taught great biblical principles but have show them in the out working of there relationship and have led me to scripture that has been part of me putting into place a great action plan for honouring God in a christ centred dating relationship and marriage in the future.

3) pastors Joel and Evangeline Taller.

These are the pastors from my church in Manchester, Faith Life Centre. I could say so much about them, they was my friend before they became pastors. They are genuine genuine people, they are young in ministry but full of wisdom and full of God. They are people who I can say proverbs 13:20 is shown in there life both in the people they spend time with and in the time i have spent with them. They are people who really care for me and believe in the call of God on my life. They have done since before they was pastors and they still do now. They back this up with there actions and it's not just lip service. I am very thankful for all that they do and will continue to do in my future.

What I have learned and why they are examples in my life.

I have learned some tough lessons from them, they have been times they have upset me, made my flesh cringe and I mean cringe. Made me want to scream and kick up a fuss but I can say this, the spoke the truth. Regardless of my reaction, regardless of what I maybe wanted to hear. I have learned so much in the tough love I guess you can call it that they have shown me, on the other hand, they has been times where I have wanted to do something and even though they didn't understand or thought I was wrong, they knew it wouldn't kill me so they allowed me to choose for myself and grow though my choices. I have seen them do this. There has been times I have had to humble myself and say I got it wrong, or I should have listened but as the father with the prodigal son, they welcomed me back without condemning me. Again great people who have taught me so much. I love them very much.

4)Ken Smith

Some of you will know him as projectpeter, from twitter. I honestly love this man, Ken I love you sir! Ken is full of wisdom, he has life wisdom and ministry wisdom that I am learning so much from. When we speak on Skype, I could quite comfortably not say a word and sit and listen to the wisdom, learn from the biblical example and implement what he says in my life in line with scripture. I have been overwhelmed with the time he has had for me, thankful to God for bring him into my life and look forward to meeting him, Cornelius and Heather in person when God gives me the green light to go to Atlanta. I remember something he shared with me that I'm sure he won't mind me sharing that has always stayed with me. He was share with me about how some people commented on twitter saying that they was blessed by his tweets and they was reading and following them and that he was a great man of God. He asked me do I know how that made him feel. His response was something that for me shows you a lot about his character. He said, Markus, it scares me, knowing that people are watching what I am saying and that I have the huge responsibly to live a life as an example of Jesus. Now this isn't scared in a fearful timid way but this is a man who has a understanding of the huge responsibilities we have when representing Christ. (now Ken don't quote me word for word on that but it was certainly along them lines lol) I wish we had more people who thought like this and took the responsibilities of representing Christ Jesus so seriously.

The effect Ken has had as a godly example in my life.

For those of you who don't know me well, my relationship with my dad has not always been the best or easiest, we have a relationship and for that's am grateful but with him not living in my home or being there as a role model or father figure for me I have missed out on that. Since meeting Ken, he has been like a father figure in my life, probably without knowing, now you know lol. He has taught me the word of God, to think for myself, to not just believe the common average teaching that is out there but to read the word for myself, he is also someone who I can go to and ask any question knowing he will give me a biblical thought through answer. Not only that when we speak I feel like a son listening to a father, it's not always spiritual but general, family, life discussion. This has been a connection that God has brought into my life that I couldn't create on my own and has and will continue to have such a beneficial impact on me.

Now I know that they is likely to be two streams of thought based on the things I have wrote about the people who are influences in my life. One will be that I didn't need to speak about the people in the way I did, that I am showing to much love, to much respect and I'm sure you'll pluck up a scripture from somewhere to back up your perspective. Do you know it's even fine that you think that way, I still love you.

The second type of people will be understand that these are people who have had a huge impact on my life and will be mature and wise enough to extract the principles out of what I have said and evaluate the people they look up too and be strengthen, convicted or encouraged in there journey as they have mentors and godly examples.

I honestly don't mind which person you choose to be, I ask that you check yourself and evaluate your life. Are any of the dangers taking place in your life can you extract any of the principles and implement them in your life inline with scripture.

I love you all very much


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